Monday, March 23, 2009


Excella, Albert, Irving, and that cloaked woman left sometime this morning before I woke up, and I haven't seen Ashton all day, so I believe he's gone with them. Where they went, I don't know, but it did give me the chance to explore the compound without interruptions. Thankfully, they didn't return before I got what I wanted, but it was a pretty close call.

Had to convince one of the guards to let me back into the laboratory, considering I'd lost my key some time ago. Went diving through the files Excella had on the T-Virus both Ashton and I were subjected to. I didn't know that it was the very same virus used in the Raccoon City incident all those years ago, but apparently the one used on us was an altered strain of the virus that Albert had been working on himself. I guess he used Ashton and I as test subjects, but considering how things went, that part really didn't bother me.

Went into Excella's office, too. Had to bribe the guard to get into there, but it worked. I found a file containing details about how the Plaga we enhanced was being used so far. A few of the local rabble had been picked up, and the parasite had been implanted in them. Sure enough, after only a few hours their numbers doubled. I'd never learned what the Plaga had originally been used for, or where it had been found, but I did discover a name. Osmund Saddler. Apparently he'd been the one to use the Plaga before we had it. I think I remember that name from the Kennedy Report I read online a few years back, but I need to check that and make sure. If what I suspect is true, then the repercussions of what we've done here may be worse then I could have ever imagined.

When Excella came back, Albert was still with her, but Irving, Ashton, and that woman weren't with them. Excella told me Ashton's been taken out to the Umbrella Facility for testing today, but that he'd be back tomorrow. I wonder what kind of tests they're running on him? I hope he's alright.

Got a strange email today, too, after they got back.

Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 6:50:19 AM
Subject: none

Stop sticking your nose where it does not belong.



Christian Gionne

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